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Nucleotide/protein isolation and quantification methods of domestic brassica oleracea varieties

Nucleotide/protein isolation and quantification methods of domestic brassica oleracea varieties

BSc student: Mahira Mehanovic 

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yildirim

Brassica oleracea is a green leafy plant species, highly valuable vegetable, and beneficial model organism for studying plant biology research including genetics, and molecular biology. Hence, molecular methods are used to perform nucleotide and protein isolation and quantification of six domestic B. oleracea varieties collected from villages in Herzegovina region that have their own distinctive kale cultivars.  The study implemented the basic molecular methods for the protein and nucleic acids isolation and quantification of domestic B.oleracea varieties.  It has been performed by methods and protocols for DNA, RNA and protein isolation as well as their quantification by the gel electrophoresis, SDS page, Bradford assay and PCR techniques, respectively. As a result, good quality of DNA, RNA, and proteins from domestic B. oleracea varieties have been obtained.


International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
